Got Junk?

Donating junk (loose parts) for our popup adventure playgrounds has a tremendous impact on the play experiences we offer to children. Your discarded items become valuable resources that spark creativity and imagination, allowing children to build, construct, and invent in unique and unexpected ways. By repurposing materials, we promote sustainability while fostering a sense of resourcefulness and environmental consciousness among young minds. Your junk can truly transform into treasures, opening doors to endless possibilities and empowering children to create their own play adventures.

What We Need


Kitchen items/utensils

Baby dolls


(adult-sized t-shirts for messy play, ties, costumes, vests)


Wooden blocks


Animal/dinosaur figurines

Air ducts

Water table

Tires (not damaged or fraying)

Toy cars

Art/craft supplies

(chalk, paint brushes, washable paint, glitter, pipe cleaners, etc.)

What We Don’t Need

Toys (unless mentioned above)

Kids’ clothing or shoes

Damaged or broken items
